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Reproductive Care

  • Full term pregnancy in cats is usually between 63 and 65 days during which time energy requirements increase to 1.5 times normal. Labor takes place in 3 stages: 1) nesting behavior and comfort seeking are seen, and the cat may stop eating within 24 hours of birth; 2) active stage of labor where contractions may be seen, and kittens are produced. Kittens are usually born within 1 hour of each other; however, there is cause for concern if active unproductive straining is seen for more than 20 minutes; and 3) fetal membranes are passed after the delivery of each kitten. If a kitten is not responsive, attempts can be made to suction the back of its mouth to remove as many fluids as possible while vigorously rubbing their body to stimulate respiration and applying gentle puffs of air into its mouth. Kittens need to be kept warm after birth and the mother should be watched carefully for any signs of illness.

  • Although uncommon, cats and dogs are at risk for several diseases during the two months of their pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia occurs if the mothers cannot keep up with the demand for calcium to produce bones and milk. Gestational diabetes can occur due to high concentrations of hormones and result in increased drinking, urination, inappropriate weight loss and lethargy. Mastitis is a bacterial infection of one or more mammary glands that is contracted either through the blood (sepsis) or from the external environment from unsanitary conditions and/or injury from babies’ teeth or nails. Retained placentas can occur and will result in lethargy, pyrexia and abnormal vulvar discharge. Be aware of the signs, symptoms and management for all four conditions.

  • Pregnancy in dogs can be diagnosed several different ways including blood tests, radiographs and ultrasound. The benefits and limitations of each test are discussed. Ultrasound is the gold standard for pregnancy detection and assessing viability.

  • La castración consiste en extirpar el útero y los ovarios. Es una intervención permanente e irreversible. Aunque se trata de una cirugía mayor que requiere anestesia general, el riesgo es mínimo en animales sanos, sobre todo si son inmaduros.

  • Pyometra is a serious and life-threatening infection in the uterus, occurring in female cats who have not been spayed. The condition must be treated quickly and aggressively. The preferred treatment is to surgically remove the uterus and ovaries by performing an ovariohysterectomy. There is a medical approach to treating pyometra, although the success rate is highly variable and not without considerable risk and potential long-term complications. 

  • Pyometra is a serious and life-threatening infection in the uterus, occurring in female dogs who have not been spayed. The condition must be treated quickly and aggressively. The preferred treatment is to surgically remove the uterus and ovaries by performing an ovariohysterectomy. There is a medical approach to treating pyometra, although the success rate is highly variable and not without considerable risk and potential long-term complications.

  • Rabbit syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochete organism called Treponema cuniculi. Infected rabbits will develop sores that are confined to the mucocutaneous junctions, such as the external genitals, anus, lips, nostrils, and eyelids. Treatment involves two to three weekly penicillin injections. Humans cannot contract this disease from rabbits.

  • Most cats care for their kittens with little need for human intervention; if they do not, then their caregivers need to step in. It is critical to maintain a warm environment and ensure they receive enough milk. Kittens’ weight should be checked daily in the first two weeks and any prolonged crying should be investigated. Feeding can be supplemented with commercial milk replacer if needed. Further feeding and vaccination recommendations are discussed. Contact your veterinarian for specific instructions.

  • Most dogs care for their puppies with little need for human intervention; if they do not, then their caregivers need to step in. It is critical to maintain a warm environment and ensure they receive enough milk. Puppies’ weight should be checked daily in the first two weeks, and any prolonged crying should be investigated. Feeding can be supplemented with commercial milk replacer if needed. Further feeding and vaccination recommendations are discussed. Contact your veterinarian for specific recommendations.

  • Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum. Some purebred cats are more at risk, but it can affect any cat and is believed to be an inherited trait. Diagnosis can usually be made by palpation but sometimes requires blood testing or abdominal ultrasound if the cat’s history is unknown. Risks of retained testicles include testicular cancer, spermatic cord torsion, and the development of undesirable male characteristics, so neutering is strongly recommended. Surgery is generally routine, and recovery is similar to any abdominal surgery.